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July 26, 2024
2024 Gs Pay Scales For Hawaii,Florida, Washington And San Antonio
The 2024 GS pay scale includes a federal pay raise with an average increase of 5.2%, consisting of a 4.7% boost in GS base pay and a 0.5% increase in GS locality pay.
In 2023, federal workers received their largest pay raise in 20 years, with a 4.6% increase. This matches the same percentage raise received in 2002 during the Bush administration, although inflation was only 1.6% at that time, which was more favorable for federal employees. The recent raise in 2023 is significant, particularly for those on the GS pay scale.
We provide detailed data for various states, including the GS pay scales for Washington DC. Hawaii, San Antonio, and Florida.
2024 GS Pay Table – Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA
The General Schedule (GS) pay scale is a critical component of federal employment, determining the base salary for most federal employees. The GS scale is divided into 15 grades, each with 10 steps, allowing for incremental increases based on experience and performance. For 2024, the GS pay scale has been updated to incorporate a 4.7% general schedule increase and a locality payment of 33.26% for the Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA area, resulting in a total increase of 5.31%, effective January 2024.
GS Pay Scale 2024 Washington DC
The gs pay scale 2024 dc WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE-ARLINGTON, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA General Schedule locality region applies to government employees working in Washington, DC, and the surrounding areas. General Schedule employees in this region receive 33.26% more than the GS base pay rates to account for the local cost of living.
The gs pay scale 2024 dc rate applies to Washington and other regional cities.
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GS Payscale Hawaii
The 2024 Salary Table for Hawaii reflects a gs payscale hawaii comprehensive update, incorporating a 4.7% General Schedule (GS) increase and a locality payment of 21.79%. This update results in a total increase of 5.24% for federal employees in the State of Hawaii, effective January 2024. Use our Paycheck Calculator to accurately calculate your paycheck amount. Let us check the gs payscale hawaii.

GS Pay Scale 2024 Florida
The Salary Table 2024-PB outlines the updated pay scale for federal employees in the Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL locality. Incorporating a 4.7% General Schedule increase and a locality payment of 17.60%, the total pay increase amounts to 4.97%. This adjustment, effective January 2024, ensures that federal salaries gs pay scale 2024 florida area keep pace with changes in the cost of living and geographic variations. For more you can read out 2025 gs pay scale with locality.
Locality raises are determined based on comparisons of local private sector salary rates rather than the cost of living. An individual's pay rate is based on their work location, not their residence.
In 2024, four new localities will be added, and the boundaries of many existing localities will be expanded, affecting approximately 33,300 employees who will receive increased pay by moving to a locality with a higher rate than the rest of the U.S. The new locality raises are as follows: Fresno, Calif., 5.28%; Reno, Nev., 5.25%; Rochester, N.Y., 5.46%; and Spokane, Wash., 5.31%.
GS Pay Scale San Antonio
The 2024 locality adjustment rate for the gs pay scale san antonio region is 18.49%. Below is the 2024 GS pay table adjusted for the San Antonio area. Use the tabs to view pay tables from different years.
The General Schedule locality boundaries are defined by the General Services Administration (GSA), and the locality adjustment rates for these areas are intended to reflect the differing costs of living throughout the country.
The federal pay system for white-collar employees, commonly known as the General Schedule (GS) system, covers just over half of the federal workforce. Blue-collar employees fall under a separate wage system, while numerous other special salary systems cater to different groups, including Senior Executive Service members, U.S. Postal Service employees, Foreign Service members, law enforcement officers, Veterans Health Administration medical personnel, administrative law judges, and certain senior professionals. Presidential appointees are compensated under the Executive Schedule, while federal judges and members of Congress have their own separate pay schedules.
We cover the GS pay scale for several regions, including Washington, DC., Hawaii, San Antonio, and gs pay scale 2024 florida.

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